Forgot My Password

Step 2: Reset Password

Please see the message below for more information on the status of your password reset request.

Your password WAS SUCCESSFULLY reset.

You will receive you temporary password in your email shortly. Remember that you can change your password once you login by clicking on the "My Profile" link on the login bar.

Your password FAILED to reset.

Contact IT Help

Your request WAS SUCCESSFULLY sent to ITHelp.

You should hear from someone shortly concerning your issue and we apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced.

Your request COULD NOT be sent because of a system error.

Please contact or (501)450-1340 for further assistance. We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced and hope to have this issue resolved quickly.

Full Name:

Email Address:

Campus Web Account (if different):

Phone Number:

Best Time to Contact:

Problem Description:
